

Reddit color for Google Chrome

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0
  • 4.4

  • Security Status

Softonic review

Reddit Color: Color Your Reddit Experience

Reddit Color is a free Chrome add-on developed by Jeff Palm that enhances your Reddit experience by coloring the scores of Reddit pages according to their score. This add-on allows you to easily identify the popularity of posts and comments at a glance.

With Reddit Color, you can quickly distinguish between highly upvoted and downvoted content on Reddit. The add-on color codes the scores, making it easier to identify which posts and comments are receiving positive or negative feedback from the community. This visual indicator helps you navigate through discussions and prioritize your interactions based on the community's sentiment.

This lightweight add-on seamlessly integrates into your Chrome browser and provides a simple and intuitive way to enhance your Reddit browsing experience. With Reddit Color, you can effortlessly stay updated on the popularity of posts and comments, allowing you to engage with the most relevant content on Reddit.

Program available in other languages

Reddit color for Google Chrome

  • Free

  • In English
  • V 1.0
  • 4.4

  • Security Status

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